Maddy-Tay's Preschool 
(a privately-owned faith-based preschool)
ACSI Accredited
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We recognize God the Father as the author of creation and all that is in it, as revealed in His word. Because of this Maddy-Tay's Preschool is a facility where each child is treated as an individual and respected as such. Each child will be able to grow and learn at his or her own pace and at the same time, enjoy the challenges, responsibilities and academic achievements that come with learning.

We plan a daily schedule and learning activities with five things in mind: (1) play as an important way of learning, (2) energetic engagement of children, (3) many opportunities for choices, (4) opportunities for exploring and experimenting, and (5) children’s social emotional development. We encourage children’s learning and growth through language activities, creative art activities, math & science activities, social learning experiences, muscle development activities and sensory activities.

The child will engage in playful interactions with peers and trained teachers. He/she will participate in large group activities, such as storytelling and music, as well as small group activities that explore the language arts, creative arts, and drama, science, math, and food nutrition activities. Throughout the day the children may choose where they want to learn and play: art and writing center, block center, manipulative center, music center, listening center, science and math center, book center or the quiet area. They may play until the next scheduled activity or until uninterested with current activity. Special activities such as, food nutrition and Bible Time are incorporated into the monthly lesson plans.  In addition to the indoor learning activities classes are taken outside to explore and play as they choose.  Outside play is scheduled twice daily unless severe weather prohibits it. 

Quiet/Nap time is after lunch; cots are provided for each child (not shared) and spaced 30 inches apart during rest time. Children who do not sleep are allowed to read or have a quiet activity on their cot until the rest period is over. After quiet/nap time, children are allowed to choose what centers to play and learn in until time to go home.

Maddy-Tay's Preschool will provide activities that foster emotional, social, intellectual, spiritual and physical growth. We will encourage good self-esteem, clear and positive communication, problem solving, decision making, creativity, independence and the ability to work well with others.

Our facility staff specializes in individualized attention, one-on-one intervention, compassion and human dignity. An environment that is rich in love and care will help your child grow in positive self-esteem and confidence. We believe that if a child experiences the best there is to offer every day of his/her life, he or she will be more than ready to meet the challenges that lay ahead.

We use the NM Early Learning Guidelines to track development and early learning milestones for each child enrolled in our center.  

…“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
                                                         -Mathew 19:14